10 Symptoms of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore


Diabetes is not just a disease; there are three types:

Type 1 diabetes: the least common, it is an autoimmune disease where the body stops producing insulin (and, therefore, cannot regulate blood sugar)

Type 2 diabetes: this kind is considered the most common type of diabetes, which is a disorder of the use and storage of sugar in the blood that results in excess glucose (hyperglycemia)

Type 3, which is called gestational diabetes: occurs in pregnant women and usually disappears after delivery (P.S: may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes)

A blood test can easily detect all three types of diabetes. The test consists of checking if your blood sugar is not too high.

In short, here are some symptoms of diabetes that may suggest it’s past time to visit your doctor for a test.

1.You keep urinating

In case you have a high level of sugar in your blood, your body instinctively tries to get rid of it.

Water follows the sugar, so you end up losing a lot of urine.

If you notice that you are suddenly “peeing” a lot, and more often, for no real reason (especially if you wake up several times during the night to go to the bathroom), it’s high time to talk to your doctor.

2.You’re constantly drinking

With all that urine, dehydration is a strong possibility.

As if that weren’t enough, some patients who are now aware of their illness tend to turn to sugary drinks like soda or juice, which of course, only makes their blood sugar levels worse…

Signs of dehydration include dark-colored urine, weight loss due to water loss, and extreme thirst.

Sound familiar?

Head to the doc’, especially if this symptom occurs in tandem with numerous pee breaks.

3.You have terrible breath

Once you have diabetes, it means automatically dehydration that results dry mouth and causes bad breath.
A dry mouth means not enough saliva to kill bacteria and balance the pH in your mouth.

In addition, undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes can trigger ketosis, a process in which the body uses fat rather than glucose for energy.

Ketosis releases a substance called ketone, which can make your breath smell unpleasantly sweet or fruity and can even sometimes smell like acetone.

4.Your vision tends to become blurry

It is common that women suffer from blurred vision, and it is often overlooked symptom of diabetes. You are wondering about what is the relationship between diabetes and your vision?

Well, fluid can form in the eye’s lens when sugar levels rise (remember: fluid follows sugar).

The growth of fluid in the eye causes blurs, causes nearsightedness, and sends many people to the optician for a new prescription for glasses or contact lenses.

Fortunately, controlling your blood sugar can help reduce blurred vision.

5.Your hands and feet often experience numbness

Neuropathy (a condition characterized by numbness or odd sensations such as tingling or weird sensations in the arms, legs, hands, and feet) occurs in more than half of people with type 2 diabetes, according to a 2017 report by Diabetes Care.

Diabetes effectively reduces blood flow to the extremities and, over time, damages blood vessels and nerves.

6.Your cuts and other bruises don’t heal that fast or as they normally should

A decrease sensation in your extremities makes you more vulnerable to injury.

The fact that you do not notice your cuts or bruises makes you no care about treating them. Because to you, they do not exist; by this they become more infected.

Once you have a wound, diabetes can make it harder for your body to heal.

High blood sugar provides a good environment for bacteria to grow.

Diabetes is often accompanied by high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and the resulting plaque buildup can narrow blood vessels, reduce blood supply, and stagnant curing.

This disease can also weaken the T-cells that make up your immune system – your body’s defense against infection.

7.You lose weight…without even trying

Unexpected weight loss may occur for many reasons, and diabetes is one of them.

Since insulin helps your body move sugar from your bloodstream into your cells, so when you have insulin resistance, you don’t have enough energy in your cells despite all that sugar going through your body.

Because sugar doesn’t give you enough energy, your body burns your own fat and muscle to produce energy.

The weight loss can be quite significant, sometimes as much as 30 to 40 pounds!

In general, it is recommended that you see your doctor if you unintentionally lose between 5 and 10% of your body weight in the last six months.

8.You are constantly exhausted

Since your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, are your body’s main source of energy.

But your body can’t use this energy source efficiently when you have diabetes (and diabetes-related dehydration can also lead to fatigue).

Sure thing, there are many different reasons you might feel exhausted, including your diet, your stress level, and how much sleep you’ve been getting.

Still, if you can’t find another good reason for your extreme fatigue and your low energy level is accompanied by some of these other diabetes symptoms, it’s worth getting checked out.

9.Your skin has weird dark spots

Unexplained darkening of the skin around the neck, under the armpits, or even in the groin, is a common sign of insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

It is often seen in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. These women are at increased risk for insulin problems.

If you notice new brown spots on your skin, it’s worth seeing your doctor.

10.You are itchy

Finally, diabetics seem to suffer from regular itching caused by yeast infections (which can also occur on the skin), dry skin, or poor circulation. If poor circulation is to blame, your legs will be the most irritated area.

Remember, these symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have diabetes, so don’t panic. Simply anticipate and go to your doctor for a test, it will be the only way to be sure.

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