Homemade Blackberry Moonshine

Introduction to Homemade Blackberry Moonshine

Homemade moonshine has a long-standing tradition in many cultures, often crafted with care and patience to produce a unique and flavorful spirit. In this article, we’ll explore the process of making homemade blackberry moonshine, a delightful concoction that combines the intense flavor of ripe blackberries with the robust kick of grain alcohol. This recipe is divided into two phases, each essential for creating a smooth and potent moonshine that’s perfect for sipping or mixing into cocktails. So, grab your jars and let’s dive into the fascinating world of homemade moonshine craftsmanship!

Ingredients for Homemade Blackberry Moonshine:

Phase 1:

  • 1 liter 190 proof grain alcohol (Everclear)
  • 3 containers (6 ounces each) of fresh blackberries

Phase 2 (Simple Syrup):

  • 4 cups water
  • 3 cups sugar


Phase 1 (3 weeks):

  1. Pour the 190 proof grain alcohol into a 1/2 gallon jar with a lid.
  2. Add all the fresh blackberries to the jar.
  3. Crush the blackberries using a wooden spoon.
  4. Seal the jar tightly with the lid and let it sit for 3 weeks.
  5. Shake the jar every other day to mix the ingredients evenly.

Phase 2 (2 weeks):

  1. Prepare the simple syrup by bringing 4 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Add 3 cups of sugar to the boiling water and stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. Let the simple syrup mixture cool to room temperature.
  4. While the simple syrup mixture is cooling, strain out the remaining blackberries from the alcohol mixture.
  5. Return the alcohol mixture to its jar.
  6. Pour the cooled simple syrup mixture into the jar with the alcohol.
  7. Seal the jar tightly with the lid and let it sit for 2 weeks or longer.

The resulting moonshine will be strong at 95 proof with a delightful blackberry flavor. Enjoy responsibly!


  1. Use fresh, ripe blackberries for the best flavor in your homemade moonshine.
  2. Crushing the blackberries helps release their juices and flavors into the alcohol mixture more effectively.
  3. Be sure to shake the jar every other day during the first phase to ensure the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  4. When making the simple syrup, make sure the sugar is completely dissolved in the boiling water before letting it cool.
  5. Allow the moonshine to sit for the full duration of each phase to ensure optimal flavor development.
  6. Store the finished moonshine in a cool, dark place for best results.
  7. Enjoy your homemade moonshine responsibly and in moderation.



For a different flavor profile, you can experiment with different types of berries or fruits. Instead of blackberries, try using raspberries, strawberries, or even peaches to infuse your moonshine with unique and delicious flavors. Adjust the quantity of fruit to your taste preferences, and follow the same process outlined in the recipe for a personalized twist on homemade moonshine.

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Homemade Moonshine

  • Author: Alex Morgan


This recipe is divided into two phases, each essential for creating a smooth and potent moonshine that’s perfect for sipping or mixing into cocktails. So, grab your jars and let’s dive into the fascinating world of homemade moonshine craftsmanship!




Phase 1:

  • 1 liter 190 proof grain alcohol (Everclear)
  • 3 containers (6 ounces each) of fresh blackberries

Phase 2 (Simple Syrup):

  • 4 cups water
  • 3 cups sugar



Phase 1 (3 weeks):

  1. Pour the 190 proof grain alcohol into a 1/2 gallon jar with a lid.
  2. Add all the fresh blackberries to the jar.
  3. Crush the blackberries using a wooden spoon.
  4. Seal the jar tightly with the lid and let it sit for 3 weeks.
  5. Shake the jar every other day to mix the ingredients evenly.

Phase 2 (2 weeks):

  1. Prepare the simple syrup by bringing 4 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Add 3 cups of sugar to the boiling water and stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. Let the simple syrup mixture cool to room temperature.
  4. While the simple syrup mixture is cooling, strain out the remaining blackberries from the alcohol mixture.
  5. Return the alcohol mixture to its jar.
  6. Pour the cooled simple syrup mixture into the jar with the alcohol.
  7. Seal the jar tightly with the lid and let it sit for 2 weeks or longer.

The resulting moonshine will be strong at 95 proof with a delightful blackberry flavor. Enjoy responsibly!


When serving your homemade blackberry moonshine, get creative with your presentation! Consider garnishing each glass with a fresh blackberry skewered on the rim for an elegant touch. For a more festive presentation, you can even rim the glasses with sugar or crushed graham crackers for added sweetness. Want to elevate your moonshine experience further? Pair it with some delicious desserts like Blueberry Cobbler Moonshine or Strawberry Moonshine, which complement its fruity flavors perfectly.


  • Storage: Store your homemade moonshine in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve its flavor and potency.
  • Enjoy Responsibly: Remember that moonshine is a high-proof alcoholic beverage, so consume it responsibly and in moderation.
  • Gift Idea: Consider bottling your homemade moonshine in decorative jars and giving them as unique and personalized gifts for special occasions.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different fruit combinations and flavors to create your own signature moonshine recipes.


Q: Can I use frozen fruit instead of fresh fruit for the moonshine? A: Yes, frozen fruit can be used as a substitute for fresh fruit in this recipe. Just be sure to thaw the fruit completely before adding it to the alcohol mixture.

Q: How long does homemade moonshine last? A: When stored properly in a sealed container in a cool, dark place, homemade moonshine can last indefinitely. However, it’s best enjoyed within the first year to fully appreciate its flavors.

Q: Can I adjust the sweetness of the moonshine? A: Absolutely! If you prefer a sweeter moonshine, you can increase the amount of simple syrup added during Phase 2 of the process. Conversely, if you prefer a less sweet moonshine, you can reduce the amount of sugar used in the simple syrup.


Crafting your own homemade moonshine is not only a fun and rewarding experience but also allows you to create a truly unique and flavorful spirit that’s perfect for sipping or sharing with friends. By following the simple steps outlined in this recipe, you can create a delicious batch of blackberry moonshine that’s sure to impress. So gather your ingredients, get creative, and enjoy the fruits of your labor responsibly! And if you’re looking for more cocktail inspiration, be sure to check out Blackberry Margarita Smash, Grasshopper Cocktail, or Shark Bite Drink for additional refreshing libations to enjoy. Cheers to homemade delights!

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