Peeps Infused Vodka

Elevate Your Cocktail Game with Peeps Infused Vodka

Step into a world of whimsy and color with Peeps Infused Vodka, a delightful concoction that adds a playful twist to your favorite cocktails. Whether you’re hosting a springtime soiree or simply looking to infuse some fun into your beverage repertoire, this colorful infusion is sure to impress. Follow along as we delve into the recipe and explore the endless possibilities of Peeps-infused vodka.


  • 1 bottle of vodka
  • 8-10 Peeps marshmallow candies (any color)
  • Mason jar or airtight container


  1. Open the bottle of vodka and carefully pour out a small amount to make room for the Peeps. You’ll want to leave enough space in the bottle to accommodate the marshmallows without overflowing.
  2. Unwrap the Peeps and place them into the vodka bottle. You can choose any color of Peeps to suit your preference or match the theme of your event.
  3. Secure the lid tightly on the vodka bottle and give it a good shake to mix the Peeps with the vodka. This will help to ensure that the marshmallows dissolve evenly and infuse the vodka with their sweet flavor and vibrant color.
  4. Allow the mixture to sit for at least 24 hours, shaking occasionally to help dissolve the marshmallows. The longer you let it sit, the more pronounced the flavor and color of the infusion will be.
  5. After 24 hours, strain the infused vodka through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any residue from the dissolved Peeps. This will result in a smooth and clear liquid that’s ready to be enjoyed.
  6. Transfer the infused vodka back into its original bottle or another container for storage. Be sure to label it clearly so you know what’s inside!
  7. Serve your Peeps-infused vodka chilled over ice or use it as a colorful and flavorful base for your favorite cocktail recipes. Get creative and experiment with different mixers and garnishes to create signature drinks that are as fun to look at as they are to drink.

Savoring Peeps Infused Vodka:

With its playful colors and sweet flavor, Peeps-infused vodka is sure to add a festive touch to any occasion. Whether you’re sipping it straight, mixing it into cocktails, or serving it as shots, this colorful infusion is guaranteed to be a conversation starter.

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Peeps Infused Vodka

  • Author: Alex Morgan


Step into a world of whimsy and color with Peeps Infused Vodka, a delightful concoction that adds a playful twist to your favorite cocktails.


  • 1 bottle of vodka
  • 810 Peeps marshmallow candies (any color)
  • Mason jar or airtight container


  1. Open the bottle of vodka and carefully pour out a small amount to make room for the Peeps. You’ll want to leave enough space in the bottle to accommodate the marshmallows without overflowing.
  2. Unwrap the Peeps and place them into the vodka bottle. You can choose any color of Peeps to suit your preference or match the theme of your event.
  3. Secure the lid tightly on the vodka bottle and give it a good shake to mix the Peeps with the vodka. This will help to ensure that the marshmallows dissolve evenly and infuse the vodka with their sweet flavor and vibrant color.
  4. Allow the mixture to sit for at least 24 hours, shaking occasionally to help dissolve the marshmallows. The longer you let it sit, the more pronounced the flavor and color of the infusion will be.
  5. After 24 hours, strain the infused vodka through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any residue from the dissolved Peeps. This will result in a smooth and clear liquid that’s ready to be enjoyed.
  6. Transfer the infused vodka back into its original bottle or another container for storage. Be sure to label it clearly so you know what’s inside!
  7. Serve your Peeps-infused vodka chilled over ice or use it as a colorful and flavorful base for your favorite cocktail recipes. Get creative and experiment with different mixers and garnishes to create signature drinks that are as fun to look at as they are to drink.

Tips for Enjoyment:

  • Experiment with different flavors of Peeps to create unique variations of infused vodka. Try using fruity flavors like strawberry or blueberry for a burst of sweetness, or mix and match colors for a rainbow effect.
  • Get creative with your cocktail creations by incorporating Peeps-infused vodka into classic recipes like martinis, cosmopolitans, or mojitos. The possibilities are endless!
  • Serve Peeps-infused vodka in themed cocktails for holidays or special occasions. For example, use pink Peeps for Valentine’s Day or yellow Peeps for Easter-themed drinks.

Serving and Tips for Peeps Infused Vodka:

Serving Suggestions:

  1. Serve Peeps Infused Vodka chilled in shot glasses for a fun and festive party starter.
  2. Use it as a colorful and flavorful base for cocktails, such as Peeps-tinis, Peeps Cosmopolitans, or Peeps Mojitos.
  3. Garnish cocktails with additional Peeps candies or colorful sugar rims for an extra touch of whimsy.
  4. Create themed cocktails for holidays or special occasions using Peeps Infused Vodka. For example, use pink Peeps for Valentine’s Day or yellow Peeps for Easter-themed drinks.


  1. Experiment with different flavors of Peeps to create unique variations of infused vodka. Try using fruity flavors like strawberry or blueberry for a burst of sweetness, or mix and match colors for a rainbow effect.
  2. For a stronger infusion, let the vodka and Peeps mixture sit for longer than 24 hours. The longer it sits, the more pronounced the flavor and color will be.
  3. Strain the infused vodka through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any residue from the dissolved Peeps for a smooth and clear liquid.
  4. Store Peeps Infused Vodka in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve its flavor and color. It can be stored for several weeks to enjoy at your leisure.

Variations to Explore:

  1. Fruit Flavors: Experiment with different fruit-flavored Peeps candies, such as strawberry, raspberry, or lemon, to create unique flavor combinations.
  2. Herbal Infusions: Add a sprig of fresh herbs, such as mint or basil, to the vodka and Peeps mixture for a refreshing twist.
  3. Spiced Options: Infuse the vodka with warm spices like cinnamon, cloves, or ginger for a cozy and flavorful variation.
  4. Sour Candy Twist: Combine Peeps Infused Vodka with sour candy-infused vodka for a tangy and sweet concoction that’s sure to pack a punch.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Peeps Infused Vodka:

  1. How long does Peeps Infused Vodka last? When stored properly in a cool, dark place, Peeps Infused Vodka can last for several weeks to a few months. However, for the best flavor and freshness, it’s recommended to consume it within a few weeks of preparation.
  2. Can I use a different type of alcohol instead of vodka? While vodka is commonly used for its neutral flavor, you can experiment with other types of alcohol such as rum or gin to create unique variations of Peeps-infused spirits.
  3. Can I use sugar-free Peeps candies? Yes, you can use sugar-free Peeps candies if you prefer a lower sugar option. However, keep in mind that the flavor and texture of the infused vodka may vary slightly compared to using traditional Peeps.
  4. Can I make Peeps Infused Vodka in advance for a party? Absolutely! Peeps Infused Vodka is a fun and colorful addition to any party or gathering. Simply prepare the infusion ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve. Be sure to give it a good shake before serving to redistribute any settled ingredients.

Embrace the whimsy and creativity of Peeps Infused Vodka by exploring serving suggestions, variations, and frequently asked questions. With its vibrant colors and playful flavors, this homemade infusion is sure to be a hit at your next celebration. Cheers to colorful cocktails and unforgettable moments!


Add a dash of whimsy and a pop of color to your cocktail repertoire with Peeps Infused Vodka. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to shake up your drink routine, this playful infusion is sure to delight your taste buds and spark joy. So gather your Peeps, pour yourself a glass, and toast to the sweet moments in life. Cheers!

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